we added an input gauge (which shows break,steering,accel input)
here a short story about the tool
we wanted to get a car radar and splittimes (like in AC) for R07 & GTR2/GTL
but we do not know how to write ans SBPlugin or didnot want to write an XD copy
so we created a program, which draws a HUD into a transparent window, which you place in front of a windowed game running
you extract the archive where you want and you can start it, by clicking on the EXE
it needs an WindX64 with OpenGL support GPU
and it works only with last Race_Steam.EXE
you should set the window minimum size and max size in SETT->win min/max
max size should be the size you configured the game you running
in the HUD page you can configure which widget should be active and where should be drawn
start RAE07, the red block on the MAIN page should turn grey, if not, you RACE07.EXE is not recognized (different name etc.)
select a race or practice session
place the window of dynHUD in the top left position (like in the video above)
when dynHUD works with the right RACE07 version, the block will turn green and then black
when getting into the Session MENU
selecting DRIVE or RACE will activate dynHUD and it will increase its windows size to the set in the SETTINGS
you are still free to change it manually
remember to activate RACE07 by ALT_TAB or pressing on the RACE ICON on the TASKBAR
now drive and enjoy
press ESC, dynHUD should shrink to the defined size